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"Becoming a Software Engineer & Computer Programmer"
1: Career Insider Digest
Career Insider Digest is a deep dive into a profession of Sound Designer..

Total Time: 1.5 hours to complete

Preparation: Make sure you have a pen and a paper or a notebook that you can use to make notes while watching the videos.

Instructions: Watch the videos, make notes and write down your insights.

Class 1. Introduction: You will meet your expert and learn about their career journey.

Class 2. Job overview: In this module, you will become familiar with the occupation and the kind of tasks that this professional does on a typical day.

Class 3. Education & Skills: Your expert explains what education, skills and personal qualities are important to succeed at this job.

Class 4. Career Path & Salary Overview: Your expert shares what are the opportunities for growth and different paths within the field as well as ways to make a sustainable income.

Class 5. Positive & difficult aspects of the job: You learn what is the most rewarding and what kind of difficulties you face at this job.

Class 6. Advice: Your expert shares how to be successful at this profession and what mistakes to avoid.
Your Expert:
Andrei Bondarev, CEO & Founder of Source Labs LLC (New York, USA)
Software Engineer

Successful entrepreneur and software engineer. Andrei lead the development of numerous products for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, helped scale one of the biggest e-commerce platform solutions Spree Commerce, and built out customer facing tools for WeddingWire, one of the fastest growing U.S. companies.

In 2017 he founded a software development firm called Source Labs that specializes in building custom technology solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. His firm has assisted a large public radio organization scale their content distribution tools, assisted a Y-Combinator graduate startup build out their platform, built out an inclusive-hiring platform to help address Former President Barack Obama's "TechHire Initiave", built tools and platforms to increase coherency within the small business communities for private-sector and government clients, built out a successful SaaS platform and business for a D.C.-based market research firm, and helped several EdTech non-profits.

He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Information Technology & Information Security from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Before you start watching this video, make sure that you have a list of paper or a notebook and a pen so you can complete the exercises suggested in the course.

It's important that you pay attention to the content as at the end you will need to answer the questions covered in the course.

Enjoy the course!
2. Practical Exercise
Paola Messina
Sound Designer and Audio Engineer, NY
You can become a Sound Designer for a day and see how you like the experience!
The exercises are designed to give you a first-hand experience, expose you to the career and give you a deep insight of each occupation.

Total Time: 2-5 hours to complete

Preparation: none


Step 1: Download a free software for audio editing, for example, Audocity: https://www.audacityteam.org/

Step 2: Record some sounds on your phone that you think will be interesting to mix together. Some examples can be sounds of nature, any external sounds or you can also record interview with someone you know and mix it up with other sounds to highlight the story.

Step 3: Layer the audio track using the sounds that you recorded and try to tell a story through the sounds.

Step 4: Upload the project to cloud (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox) or record a video of the exercise completed to YouTube and include the link in the final quizz;
3. Occupation Worksheet
Gathering information and reflecting on your experience is a critical step in making an effective career decision. After learning more about the occupation and completing the practical exercise, take this quizz to summarize what you've learnt about the occupation.

Total Time: 1 hour to complete

Step 1: Complete the final quizz to summarize what you've learnt and reflect on your experience;

Step 2: After completing the quizz, click on the checkbox to receive a copy of your response. You can use the content from the quizz as the occupation worksheet;

You just completed the course and learnt more about the occupation. We hope that you had lots of insights and found this course helpful.

Now you can decide whether it is a right fit for you or not and if you want to learn about other occupations to expand your choices.
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